Old Salt Partner Ranches

The people behind the place

Good food comes from ecological integrity.

A part of Old Salt's core mission is to drive more dollars back to support land stewardship. Our partner ranches have an ownership share in everything — from the meat brand, processing, restaurants, to events. This increases their ability to continually re-invest in ecological integrity. As meat sales grow, more producers are invited to participate and momentum builds. It begins to feel possible to leave the extractive commodity marketplace behind.

What does it mean to be an Old Salt Partner Ranch?


Old Salt is working to transform the status quo toward a resilient and regenerative food system. The co-op's distinctive values, business model, and old fashioned grit might just make it happen. We believe the following:

  • We don't own the land, we belong to it. Land is kin.
  • Care for land is care for neighbor.
  • Good food comes from ecological integrity.
  • We aspire to give more than we take.
  • We're all eaters. We all need better agriculture.
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Montana Producer Partners

  • Mannix Family Ranch - Helmville, MT
  • J Bar L Ranch - Melville, MT 
  • Sieben Live Stock Co - Adel, MT
  • LF Ranch - Augusta, MT
  • Cordova Farm - Power, MT


The beautiful Blackfoot Valley of Montana serves as the backdrop for the Mannix Family Ranch, which has been continuously managed since its founding in 1882. Although it's where they call home, the Mannix family never considered themselves as the true "owners" of the land, but instead strive to continue a legacy of community partnership while preserving the agricultural traditions of the past. They've worked cooperatively over the years with numerous organizations and agencies with the shared purpose of protecting natural resources. 

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The Mannix family provides primarily grass-finished cattle to the co-op. Their animals are well adapted to the diversity of terrain and seasons, grazing through lowland valley bottoms to steep mountain pastures. It's a year round affair which also includes a variety of eco-system services ranging from stream restoration to prescribed burns. It's not uncommon to see the occasional grizzly bear foraging for roots in some of the outlying pastures. 


The J Bar L is committed to preserving the natural legacy of the wild, working landscapes that define the Big Sky country. Andrew and Hillary Anderson manage the J Bar L ranch operations, championing the cause of stewardship and the delicate balance between domesticated and wild species. Among many things, their work includes a focus on riparian restoration, providing protected habitat for the streams and creeks that give way to an abundance of life. This includes active beaver dams and the re-growth of much needed vegetation along degraded waterways. 

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As one of the cattle producers for the co-op, J Bar L provides quality grass-fattened cattle utilizing a strategic adaptive grazing system which allows them to respond to the sometimes extreme weather conditions affecting  dry land range of the Greater Yellowstone ecosystem. Through intentional management, they've dealt with prolonged drought and intensive heat waves while also increasing the bio-diversity and regeneration of vulnerable landscapes.


The history of Sieben Live Stock Co begins with Henry Sieben, who in 1864 traveled by foot and wagon from Illinois to Montana. Gifted with an entrepreneurial spirit, Henry passed down a legacy that still thrives today on the Sieben Live Stock Co ranch in Adel, Montana. Cooper Hibbard manages the day to day operation and has become known for his work in grazing and soil restoration. One enterprise in particular has been their successful winter grazing program, which is quite a feat considering the harsh conditions of Montana winters. 

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Though cattle ranching is predominantly associated with the West, it was sheep ranching that first paved the way for a successful live stock industry. By providing wool, meat, and milk, these incredibly versatile animals compliment the abilities of grazing cattle as practical tools for the benefit of productive pasture management. Sieben Live Stock Co provides the co-op with tender, fattened lambs twice per year through a seasonally appropriate schedule.


The LF Ranch is a relatively new enterprise, managed by Andrew Bardwell in the upper range of the majestic Rocky Mountain front. Owned by Montana native Sky Callantine, the LF has become one of the founding producer partners in the co-op and is building a comprehensive regenerative operation to supply cattle for years to come. Thriving communities of wildlife also share the landscape. Having been a hunting guide for many years, the relationship between predator and prey is one that ranch manager Andrew understands thoroughly. 

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The LF is focused on building their cattle herd while mapping out the various parts of the ranch so that intentional planning and management can be made in conjunction with continually changing conditions. As a cow/calf operation, they are focused on the health and growth of the herd with plans to increase the overall beef supply chain of the co-op in 2025 and beyond. 


Josh and Ingrid Hill are the family and force behind Cordova Farm. Josh grew up knowing this property as his grandfather's homestead, based in what's known as the "golden triangle". After college, Josh and Ingrid married and began making trips to the farm on weekends to help support Josh's mom as the sole caregiver for the property. Eventually, they formed their own vision for what the farm could be, and decided to make a full time move to manage and grow the operation to what it is today. Their values and care for the animals bring meaningful partnership to the co-op.

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Cordova Farm raises multiple species of animals, but their well adapted pigs supply the majority of the co-op's pork needs. Their focus is on slower growing, higher quality heritage breeds, which means every step of the process from birth to bacon is managed with great care. During Spring, Summer, and Fall, their pigs enjoy plenty of open pasture along with a quality, locally sourced feed that results in ruby red pork chops that have a wonderful depth of flavor.

Are you interested in becoming a member of Old Salt Co-op?

Enrollment for new members is not currently open, but we invite you to stay in touch and follow our journey as we work to build a more resilient, regional food system that serves Montana and beyond.